Instruments for the determination of free and total SO2
Solfotech S3, official EEC extractor
Instrument having 3 independent places for the extraction of Free and Total SO2 according to OIV MA – AS323 – 04A & OIV-MA-AS323-05 MOSTI
It is made of:
- 3 boilers with automatic drain through a PTFE tap
- glass frame with condenser, designed to exactly meet the requirements of OIV norms
- sectioned bubbler to allow the instrument to be perfectly sanitized
The extraction air is automatically blown into the sample through the 3 independent flow pumps; the flow is adjusted and controled through 3 panel flowmeters.
Solfotech S, official EEC extractor
Automatic instrument for detection of sulphur dioxide in musts, wines and its derivatives. It has been designed according to the norm on EEC OFFICIAL METHODS OF ANALYSIS IN WINE: “OIV – MA – AS323 – 04A” WINE & ITS DERIVATIVES & “OIV – MA – AS323 – 05” MUSTS.
It is made of a boiler with automatic drain through a PTFE tap, and a glass frame designed to meet exactly the requirements of EEC legislation.
YouTube Video